These lifestyle magazine pages include notes and articles about healthy living and the natural world.

Latest News

Saffron adopted through ABC's Adopt-an-Herb Program

The American Botanical Council has announced the adoption of saffron (Crocus sativus) through its Adopt-an-Herb program. These are notes about saffron and its traditional medicinal uses that the new sponsor is helping ABC continue to make available online in its HerbMedPro dat...

07 Apr '20 | Herbal Medicine | USA

How to get along when staying at home

Advice to stay at home has caused millions of people to change their daily routines in recent weeks. There are many articles about how to deal with boredom, frustration, worry and the social requirements of getting along with others in a confined area. Here are some brief sugg...

31 Mar '20 | Mental Health | At Home

Featured product of the day:

Yoga for Healthy Aging: A Guide to Lifelong Well-Being #Ad

by Baxter Bell and‎ Nina Zolotow

For anyone interested in how yoga can help to build and maintain strength, flexibility, balance, agility, cardiovascular health, brain health, and the effective management of stress.

This week features books about yoga.

Nature Notes for this time of year

Autumn is a great time to find wild fungi in places such as gardens, parks, paths, woodlands and nature reserves. Fungi appear in many shapes and sizes and in some beautiful colours. Although certain mushrooms are edible, others are highly poisonous. Admire them and take photos but also treat with caution and leave for others to enjoy.

Learn about Hazelnet Oil

one of the many massage carrier oils

If it's your birthday today ...

... you were probably* born under the sign of Libra, often referred to and depicted as the weighing scales, or represented symbolically.

Crystals and gemstones associated with this sign include blue kyanite, moonstone and rose quartz.

Balanced librans often have a strong desire to be liked and a reluctance to face confrontations. They are said to be fair-minded, strong-willed and blessed with wit and charm.

Angel Thought for 22nd October:

See love in all things.

An 'Angel Thought' appears here every day.

See also the pages about Angels and Archangels.
There are many names of archangels, some being due to spelling variations.

Today's Study Tip:

Find ways to test yourself in the time and places when and where you can e.g. on the bus or while waiting in a queue.

What else is here?

These pages include articles about healthy living and various approaches to health and well-being. There are also study areas and general interest sections. The content featured here changes frequently.

... read more

What is a Balanced Diet ?

A standard definition of a balanced diet is:

A balanced diet is food intake that includes all of the dietary needs of the organism in the correct proportions.

Explaining what that means is more involved. Different animals have different nutritional needs. Even different people have different needs and requirements depending on their age, health, lifestyle and other considerations such as intolerances, allergies and other medical conditions.

... more about this

Selected Study Pages:

More from the News Section:

Hand sanitiser plant to be built in 10 days to make 1 million bottles / month - 25 Mar '20

COVID-19 Mental health and social impact study - 23 Mar '20

Kale is in season in February - 7 Feb '20

Food Aid for Rohingya refugees in Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh - 1 Feb '20

Free to access online data about latest clinical research on novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV - 29 Jan '20

Aromatherapy assoc. NAHA supports lavender via ABC's adopt-an-herb - 22 Dec '19

Packaged food healthiest in the UK, USA, Australia and Canada - 22 Aug '19

Reducing saturated fat in diet lowers blood cholesterol and risk of CVD - 1 Aug '19

See also news about ... Child Welfare ... Education ... Nursing ... Nutrition ... Technology ... Cancer ... Diabetes ... Heart Disease ... HIV and AIDS ... Mental Health ... Pregnancy and other subjects.

Although care has been taken when compiling this page, the information contained might not be completely up to date. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This material is copyright. See terms of use.

IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.