Read about each card in the Tarot Deck
This section includes one page about every card in the tarot deck. They are summaries of the typical meanings of the cards with examples from a range of the most popular tarot decks.
In the cases of the minor arcana cards (which are also known as 'Pip Cards' and include the court cards which are the King, Queen, Knight and Page of the suit), each page includes a short section about the suit of which the card is a part.
The Major Arcana
(0) The Fool
(1) The Magician
(3) The Empress
(4) The Emperor
(5) The Hierophant
(6) The Lovers
(7) The Chariot
(8) Strength
(9) The Hermit
(10) Wheel of Fortune
(11) Justice
(12) The Hanged Man
(13) Death
(14) Temperance
(15) The Devil
(16) The Tower
(17) The Star
(18) The Moon
(19) The Sun
(20) Judgement
(21) The World
The Minor Arcana (Suits)
Pentacles / Coins / Disks