
Reiki is a healing technique in which practitioners channel universal energy ('Rei' and 'Ki' being Japanese words for 'Universal' and 'Energy'), either through their hands, or using distant healing techniques. There are now several different (trademarked) forms of Reiki, but the overall concept of channelling Universal Energy is common to all of them.
History of Reiki:
There are many stories about the origins of Reiki, some of which suggest that it is over 2,500 years old. There are also detailed descriptions of the forms of Reiki that have been used and in some cases also trademarked over the last 40 years.
The reiki history included on this website is a summary of the 'Traditional Story' that is usually taught to participants of 'Reiki I' Courses. See the history of reiki for more about Dr Usui's 're-discovery of Reiki' and its use in the years that followed.
What are the 3 Levels of Usui Reiki ?
The three 'Levels', or 'Degrees' of Reiki are the three traditional stages of learning to Channel Reiki energy. It is not necessary to go through all three stages because everyone who has received the Reiki I Attunements is then able to channel Reiki energy, though many also go on to the other levels.
- Reiki 1 is the level at which one is encouraged to focus on self-healing. This serves several purposes, such as enabling the person to channel more energy to others as their own energy field is optimised and getting the person used to the sensations associated with the energies.
- Reiki 2 is the level associated with channeling Reiki to other people, animals and situations. Level 2 is also associated with sending Distant Healing, as this is the stage at which that skill is usually taught.
- Reiki 3 is often referred to as 'Master Level'. This level is often divided into two parts: 'Master Practitioner Level' , and 'Master Teacher Level'. This is because receiving the Master Level attunements enables people to attune others to Reiki, hence becoming a teacher of this healing art. However, performing attunements is a skill that requires considerable practice and not all Reiki Masters choose to teach, some preferring to concentrate only on providing Reiki Healing Treatments.
What does a Reiki Treatment involve? :
The Reiki Practioner may begin by asking the client a series of questions. This sometimes takes the form of a Medical History, but in the case of other practitioners it may simply be focussed around why the person is requesting the treatment and what he/she would like it to achieve. This consultation prior to the treatment is important because the exchange of information enables the practitioner to set expectations appropriately and to be sure that the client understands what is likely to happen and what cannot be guarenteed.
Most people find Reiki treatments to be deeply relaxing.
Textbooks and other Sources of Reading:
There are many books about Reiki. Some are for intended for the interested general public and potential recipients of reiki treatments. Other books are for those interested in becoming Reiki practitioners. See for example Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art by Diane Stein.
Anyone interested in finding out more about healing by channeling energies is also likely to enjoy Barbara Ann Brennan's books about healing, esp. Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field (1988) and Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing (1993).
Further Information about Reiki :
Introductory reiki courses are available from many local colleges. For a personal introduction to this subject and to meet like-minded people who have similar interests, find out what is available in your area.