What is my star sign ? (Astrology)
When people ask about their astrological star sign they are usually referring to their sun sign.
There are 12 sun signs of the zodiac. They are only approximately associated with months of the year because each sign applies to a range of birth dates that crosses two months from around 20th day of one month to approximately 20th day of the following month.
Listed from the beginning of the calendar year:
21 January - 19 February
is often represented by the image of a water carrier.
20 February - 20 March
is represented by the image of fish, often two fish.
21 March - 19 April
is represented by the image of a ram.
20 April - 21 May
is represented by the image of a bull.
22 May - 21 June
is represented by the image of human twins.
22 June - 23 July
is represented by the image of a crab.
24 July - 23 August
is represented by the image of a lion.
24 August - 23 September
is represented by the image of a young woman.
24 September - 23 October
is represented by the image of weighing scales.
24 October - 22 November
is represented by the image of a scorpion.
23 November - 21 December
is represented by the image of an archer.
22 December - 20 January
is represented by the image of a goat.
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