Human Anatomy & Physiology
The study pages listed below are just the pages about human anatomy and physiology. They include information taught to trainee therapists e.g. for the ITEC Diploma in Anatomy & Physiology, topics studied by student nurses, physiotherapists and radiographers as well as people pursuing other courses in health sciences and related disciplines.
Most pages about related aspects of biology, (incl. human biology), chemistry, diet and nutrition, the human eye, therapies and associated general interest pages are listed on the pages about those subjects.
Introductory Topics
Histology (also part of general biology)
Histology (also part of general biology)
Systems of the Body
01 - Cells & Tissues
- Cell Structure (of animal cells)
- Introduction to Cell Division
- What is Mitosis ?
- Timing of the Somatic Cell Cycle
- Diagrams illustrating Mitosis
- What is Meiosis ?
- Compare mitosis with meiosis
- Transport across cell membranes
- Classification of Tissue Types
- Tissue Type: Adipose Tissue
- Tissue Type: Areolar Tissue
- Tissue Type: Blood
- Tissue Type: Bone
- Tissue Type: Cartilage
- Tissue Type: Lymphatic Tissue
- Tissue Type: Muscular Tissue
- Tissue Type: Nervous Tissue
- Tissue Type: White Fibrous Tissue
- Tissue Type: Yellow Elastic Tissue
02 - Skeletal System (Bones)
- Human Skeleton
- Axial and Appendicular Skeleton
- Axial Skeleton
- Appendicular Skeleton
- How many bones in the human body ?
- The Structure and Functions of Bones
- Types of Bones
- Bone Markings / Features on Bones
- Disorders of the Skeletal System
Specific Bones
- Skeletal Structures of the Head and Neck
- Vertebral Column
- Curvature of the spine
- Scapula (Shoulder Bone)
- 3 Angles of Scapula
- 3 Borders of Scapula
- Arm bones (arm bone names)
- Hand Bones (hand bone names)
- Skeletal Structures of the Hands and Feet
- Types of Joints
- Joint Movements
- Fibrous Joints
- Cartilaginous Joints
- The Structure of Synovial Joints
- The Elbow Joint
03 - Muscular System (Muscles)
Names of Muscles
- Muscle Names and Locations
- Anterior Muscles of the Human Body
- Posterior Muscles of the Human Body
- Facial Muscles
Muscle Structure and Physiology
- Structure of Muscle and associated tissues
- Structure of a Muscle Cell
(also called a "Muscle Fibre") - Types of skeletal muscle fibres
- Structure of Muscle Filaments
- Sliding-Filament Theory of Muscle Action
- Anatomy of a Neuromuscular Junction
- What happens at neuromuscular junctions?
- Types of Muscle Contractions
- Effects of Exercise on Muscles
- Formation of lactic acid in muscles
- Supply of energy for muscle contraction (sources of ATP)
Muscle Conditions
04 - Integumentary System (Skin)
- The Structure of Skin
- Functions of Skin
- Accessory Structures of the Skin
- Hair Follicle Diagram
- Glands in the Skin
Skin Conditions
05 - Vascular System (Blood)
- The Structure and Functions of Blood
- more about the functions of blood
- Blood Groups (also called 'blood types')
- The Structure & Functions of Blood Vessels
- The Structure of the Heart
- The Functions of the Heart
- Pulmonary Circulation
- Systemic Circulation
- The Blood Clotting Mechanism
- Blood Pressure
- Hypertension : Lifestyle Factors
- Effects of Exercise on Circulation
Circulatory System Disorders
Heart Conditions & Disorders
- Heart Problems
- Heart Disease Risk Factors
- Persistent ductus arteriosus (a congenital heart condition)
06 - Lymphatic System
- To be added
07 - Neurological System (Nervous System)
- Main Parts (Sub-Divisions) of the Nervous System
- Parts of the Central Nervous System
- Parts of the Brain
- Cranial Nerves
- The Pathway of a Nerve Impulse
- Structures and Functions of Neurones
- Diseases and Disorders of the Nervous System
- Anxiety Symptoms
08 - Endocrine System
- Introduction to the Endocrine System
- What is a Hormone ?
- Water-soluble hormones and fat-soluble hormones
- "Triggers" that stimulate release of hormones
- Hormone Regulation Feedback Mechanisms
Endocrine Glands
- Major Glands of the Endocrine System
- The Pituitary Gland
- The Adrenal Glands
- Other (non-endocrine glands) organs & tissues that secrete hormones
Endocrine Disorders
09 - Respiratory System
- Introduction to the Respiratory System
- Anatomy of the Lower Respiratory Tract
- Tracheobroncial Tree
- External Respiration
- Internal Respiration
- Parts of the Respiratory System (Basic)
- Respiratory Conditions and Disorders (Basic)
10 - Digestive System
- Introducing the Digestive System:
Location of Digestive Organs - Substances & Terminology re. Digestion
- Basic Stages of Process of Digestion
- Chemical Processes in the Digestive System
- Absorption in the Digestive Tract
- Diseases & Disorders of Digestive System
11 - Genito-Urinary System
- Parts of the Human Urinary System
- Functions of the Urinary System
- Basic Kidney Diagram - Gross Anatomy
- Diagram of a Kidney Nephron
- Processes of Blood Filtration by the Kidneys
- Anatomy of the Bladder
- Female Bladder and Urethra
- Male Bladder and Urethra
- Physiology of Micturation
- Characteristics and Composition of Urine
- Kidney Dialysis
- Kidney Transplant
12 - Reproductive System
- To be added
Supplementary Topics :
S1 - The Eye and Vision (The Visual System)
- The Anatomy of the Human Eye
- Understanding Light - to explain vision
- How light bounces off objects
- What is eyesight ?
- Image Formation - by the eye
- Refraction of Light - in the eye
- Introducing Simple Lenses
- Concave and Convex Lenses
- Structure of the Retina of the Human Eye (layers of the human retina)
- Medical Conditions & Disorders of the Eye
S2 - Pain in the Body