Crystal Reiki

Crystal reiki may be defined as the use of crystals in combination with the channeling of reiki (healing energies) to stimulate the self-healing mechanisms of the mind, body and spirit.
It is not necessary to use crystals in order to give an effective reiki treatment and not all crystal healers are reiki practitioners. The use of crystals is not taught as part of all reiki courses and vice-versa. However, as many people are interested in, and positively affected by, both reiki and crystals, some treatments and courses in crystal reiki have become popular.
History of Crystal Reiki
Crystals are believed to have been used for healing for thousands of years by many ancient cultures. Modern reiki healing dates from the re-discovery of reiki by Mikao Usui in Japan in the 1890s. (See the history of reiki.) Since the early 2000s courses in crystal reiki have become available offered by colleges and reiki masters with special interest in crystals.
What does a Crystal Reiki Treatment involve?
As in the case of many therapies, there is no fixed format common to all practitioners.
Finding a Practitioner
Crystal reiki is a combination therapy that may be offered by Reiki practitioners who have completed an additional course which usually includes additional attunements specific to crystal reiki. It is not common to find listings of crystal reiki practitioners specifically. Instead, look for Reiki practitioners and then ask if they offer crystal reiki.
More about this: It is not always necessary to have followed a course in Reiki before taking a course in crystal Reiki. One reason why some practitioners list themselves as offering reiki (listing only 'Reiki') rather than specifically crystal reiki if they also offer crystal reiki treatments is that crystal reiki is not usually offered as a separate insurance category, hence practitioners offering such treatments to the public may be qualified and insured to practise reiki, and so listed as 'Reiki Practitioners' only, even if they also offer 'Crystal Reiki'. Another possible reason is that many directories of therapists do not have a category listing for crystal reiki so rely on therapists using either the reiki or crystal healing sections of the directory, or both if appropriate.
Prior to the Treatment
The practitioner may start by agreeing and / or clarifying any terms then conducting a brief consultation, typical objectives being:
- For the client and practitioner to introduce themselves to each other, especially to ensure that the client feels at ease in what may be unfamiliar surroundings
- For the practitioner to understand the client's expectations of the treatment, to clarify any issues that the client wishes to raise and to ensure that the client knows what will happen next - e.g. that he / she may relax and enjoy the treatment but no specific outcomes can be promised.
- The practitioner may ask about the client's reasons for requesting the treatment and about his / her general health (so that if the client requires - or may require - the practitioner to take any specific actions then this is known).
- If the practitioner suggests use of a treatment couch rather than an appropriately clean and comfortable pad on the floor then he or she might check that the client is able to get onto and off the couch safely and comfortably.
All of the above are also true of other therapies, some of which also require more detailed medical histories from clients. If for any reason the practitioner considers that he or she is not an appropriate person to offer a crystal reiki treatment to that particular client on that day then he or she should say so. Similarly, if the practitioner considers that crystal reiki is not appropriate for that person at that time (e.g. because the person has a suspected un-set broken bone) then he or she should also say so and not proceed to the treatment.
The Crystal Reiki Treatment itself
A typical treatment may be scheduled for one hour, but actually take 45-50 minutes, the rest of the time being for the consultation before the treatment and a few minutes for the person to become fully awake and leave the treatment room afterwards. However, some practitioners offer half-hour treatments and others use a full hour for the treatment itself.
The actual treatment may take the form of the therapist first ensuring that the client is comfortable and able to relax (perhaps playing gentle music and/or burning incense to facilitate relaxation). The therapist may then lay an arrangement of crystals around and possibly on the client. As the treatment progresses these crystals may be moved and the practitioner may spend some time channelling energy to the client using either 'hands on' or 'hands off' techniques. Treatments may also involve energy or chakra balancing, perhaps involving dowsing pendulums and/or relying the therapist's intuition.
Practitioners usually welcome questions about what will happen or has happened during a treatment.
After the Treatment
Following completion of the treatment itself, many practitioners allow their clients to rest (and realise that the treatment has ceased) for a few minutes before gently checking that the client is awake and often offering him or her a glass of water to drink.
Most practitioners also invite clients to make any comments about the treatment and provide additional information, if requested, together with any 'after-care' advice depending on the practitioner's competence and qualifications in related areas.
Further Information about Crystal Reiki
Introductory courses about crystals, reiki and crystal healing courses are available from many local colleges. For a personal introduction to this subject and to meet like-minded people who have similar interests, find out what is available in your area.