These lifestyle magazine pages include notes and articles about healthy living and the natural world.
Featured product of the day:
Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine #Ad by Deepak Chopra A revised and updated version of the bestseller: After some time in India exploring the ancient healing traditions of Ayurveda, Deepak Chopra has integrated further insights with concepts from Western medicine, neuroscience, and physics. This week features popular books about spirituality. |
Nature Notes for bird lovers
The Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti) is found along the west coast of South America including Chile and Peru. They are very sensitive to human presence and are said to be the most timid penguin species ever studied. It is subject to many threats and has been listed as vulnerable (2019). |
Read about massage
Introductory notes with links to more information ...
If it's your birthday today ...
... you were probably* born under the sign of Aquarius, often referred to and depicted as the water carrier or represented symbolically. Crystals and gemstones associated with this sign include amethyst and hematite. Aquarians typically enjoy many friends and acquaintances and are often more interested in people than in wealth and prestige. Some like to think of themselves as free-spirited intellectuals. |
Angel Thought for 28th January:
According to traditions of the ancient Celts each person's Anamchara (angel, or soul-friend) was a part of his/her daily life. |
An 'Angel Thought' appears here every day.
See also the pages about Angels and Archangels.
There are many names of archangels, some being due to spelling variations.
Today's Study Tip:
Life sciences often involve use of diagrams. Practise drawing the diagrams covered in your course for speed and accuracy in the exam.
What else is here?
These pages include articles about healthy living and various approaches to health and well-being. There are also study areas and general interest sections. The content featured here changes frequently.
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