These lifestyle magazine pages include notes and articles about healthy living and the natural world.

Latest News

Saffron adopted through ABC's Adopt-an-Herb Program

The American Botanical Council has announced the adoption of saffron (Crocus sativus) through its Adopt-an-Herb program. These are notes about saffron and its traditional medicinal uses that the new sponsor is helping ABC continue to make available online in its HerbMedPro dat...

07 Apr '20 | Herbal Medicine | USA

How to get along when staying at home

Advice to stay at home has caused millions of people to change their daily routines in recent weeks. There are many articles about how to deal with boredom, frustration, worry and the social requirements of getting along with others in a confined area. Here are some brief sugg...

31 Mar '20 | Mental Health | At Home

Featured product of the day:

The Spark in the Machine: How the Science of Acupuncture Explains the Mysteries of Western Medicine #Ad

by Dr Daniel Keown

A great read for those who'd like to know how Western medicine validates theories of Chinese medicine and about the benefits of an integrated theory.

This week features books about therapies.

Nature Notes for wildlife lovers

Native to Europe, fallow deer have been widely introduced including to North America, Australia and parts of Africa.

Only bucks aged from 3 years have antlers. Except during the rutting season (late October in Northern Hemisphere, April in Southern Hemisphere) fallow deer form large herds. Bucks do not participte in rearing fawns.

Read about Gorse

one of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies

If it's your birthday today ...

... you were probably* born under the sign of Virgo, often referred to and depicted as the maiden, or represented symbolically.

Crystals and gemstones associated with this sign include amethyst, snowflake obsidian and watermelon tourmaline.

Virgos tend to be highly analytical, health conscious and perfectionist. Many pursue careers involving serving others such as in health, teaching, social care, industrial relations or environmental work.

Angel Thought for 14th September:

If you're feeling stuck, consider de-cluttering your environment - home, office, desk, car. Remove whatever you no-longer need or appreciate.

An 'Angel Thought' appears here every day.

See also the pages about Angels and Archangels.
There are many names of archangels, some being due to spelling variations.

Today's Study Tip:

A positive attitude is a huge advantage for academic success.

What else is here?

These pages include articles about healthy living and various approaches to health and well-being. There are also study areas and general interest sections. The content featured here changes frequently.

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More from the News Section:

Handwashing campaign targets a billion people worldwide - 28 Mar '20

Hand sanitiser plant to be built in 10 days to make 1 million bottles / month - 25 Mar '20

Kale is in season in February - 7 Feb '20

AMA (USA) offers 6 tips for better heart health - 1 Feb '20

Free to access online data about latest clinical research on novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV - 29 Jan '20

Improving the relationship between use of social media and body image - 9 Jan '20

Latest violence in Tripoli (Libya) shuts 210 schools - 8 Jan '20

Canadian initiatives against Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - 26 Jul '19

See also news about ... Child Welfare ... Education ... Nursing ... Nutrition ... Technology ... Cancer ... Diabetes ... Heart Disease ... HIV and AIDS ... Mental Health ... Pregnancy and other subjects.

Although care has been taken when compiling this page, the information contained might not be completely up to date. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This material is copyright. See terms of use.

IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.