Appendicular Skeleton

Ilium Bone Radius Bone Humerus Bone Clavicle Bone (also known as the Collar Bone) Scapula Bone Clavicle Bone (also known as the Collar Bone) Scapula Bone Clavicle Bone (also known as the Collar Bone) Clavicle Bone (also known as the Collar Bone) Clavicle Bone (also known as the Collar Bone) Clavicle Bone (also known as the Collar Bone) Clavicle Bone (also known as the Collar Bone) Humerus Bone Clavicle Bone (also known as the Collar Bone) Clavicle Bone (also known as the Collar Bone) Scapula Bone Scapula Bone Humerus Bone Humerus Bone Scapula Bone Scapula Bone Ilium Bone Pubis Bone Ischium Bone Ulna Bone Carpal Bones Metacarpal Bones Radius Bone Humerus Bone Femur Bone Tibia Bone Fibula Bone Patella Bone Tarsal Bones Metatarsal Bones Phalange Bones Metacarpal Bones Femur Bone Tibia Bone Fibula Bone Patella Bone Tarsal Bones Metatarsal Bones Phalange Bones Humerus Bone Humerus Bone Humerus Bone Ilium Bone Carpal Bones Metacarpal Bones Humerus Bone Femur Bone Phalange Bones Ilium Bone Ilium Bone Radius Bone Humerus Bone Ilium Bone Ilium Bone Ilium Bone Ulna Bone Radius Bone Carpal Bones Metacarpal Bones Phalange Bones Ilium Bone Pubis Bone Ischium Bone Ulna Bone Carpal Bones Metacarpal Bones Phalange Bones Ilium Bone Pubis Bone Ischium Bone Femur Bone Pubis Bone Pubis Bone Ischium Bone Ischium Bone Ischium Bone Ulna Bone Carpal Bones Radius Bone Femur Bone Carpal Bones Metacarpal Bones Radius Bone Phalange Bones Carpal Bones Metacarpal Bones Femur Bone Phalange Bones Fibula Bone Tarsal Bones Metatarsal Bones Femur Bone Tibia Bone Fibula Bone Patella Bone Femur Bone Tibia Bone Fibula Bone Patella Bone Tarsal Bones Metatarsal Bones Tibia Bone Fibula Bone Tarsal Bones Tibia Bone Fibula Bone Tarsal Bones Tarsal Bones Metatarsal Bones Metatarsal Bones Tarsal Bones Metatarsal Bones Phalange Bones Metatarsal Bones Metatarsal Bones Phalange Bones Phalange Bones Phalange Bones Phalange Bones

Above right: Appendicular Skeleton diagram

This is a continuation of the information about the axial and appendicular skeleton, which is often required knowledge for first-level courses in human anatomy.

The appendicular skeleton is the part of the human skeleton that includes the arms and hands, legs and feet, the shoulder girdle and the pelvic girdle.

The appendicular skeleton is shown shaded pink in the diagram of the appendicular skeleton on the right.
(The bones shaded greenish-yellow form the axial skeleton.)

List of the bones of the
Appendicular Skeleton

Notice that there is an even number of each named bone in the appendicular skeleton. This is because the appendicular skeleton is symmetrical. For example, there are 2 humerus bones in each human appendicular skeleton - one humerus bone in each of the two upper-arms. Similarly, there are two navicular bones in every appendicular skeleton, one in each of the two ankles.

How many bones in the Appendicular Skeleton ?

The number of each named bone in the appendicular skeleton is indicated in red in brackets after the name of the bone/s in the list above.

Adding together all of these numbers gives a total of 126 (named) bones in the human appendicular skeleton.

Question: So, there are 126 bones in the appendicular skeleton, right ?

Answer: Strictly, it is better to say that there are 126 named bones in the appendicular skeleton. That is the minimum number of bones in every normal, complete, human appendicular skeleton. However, there may be additional (un-named) bones in some appendicular skeletons, e.g. extra sesamoid bones that sometimes form in the hands and feet. For information about specific types of bones see the page about bone types.

See also notes about how many bones in the human body ?, the structure and functions of bones, cranial and facial bones, bones of the feet and hands, bone markings and skeletal disorders.

Skeletal System Books

Bones and Joints Bone Marrow MRI

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