Books about Spirituality
There are various definitions and descriptions of the concept of 'spirituality'. Many of these mention the ideas of 'connection to something bigger than oneself, and seeking 'meaning' in life. On these pages the word 'spirituality' is used in a general sense to refer to the common thread between belief systems concerning understanding the world around us and also the divine nature of aspects of everyday living.
Angels and books and card decks featuring angels
Angels have a significant role in many of the world's most popular religions. Many people believe angels to be messangers from God, yet they can also be a great comfort to believers (in one or many Gods), and non-believers alike.
Here are a few examples of books about angels:
Here are a few examples of books about healing:
See also the other book sections, featuring titles about holistic therapies, medical disciplines, medical conditions, and methods of divination.
Further information about these and other topics is included on this website and can be located using the search bar: