Year Published: 2004-05
Reflex areas, or 'zones', on the plantar surfaces of the feet (Page 1)
There are reflexology 'reflexes' on all surfaces of the feet and hands. It is not possible to show the positions of all of these areas on just one view of the feet or hands.
This page shows the positions of some of the reflexology areas on the plantar surfaces of the feet. 'Plantar surface' means the surface of the feet that is facing downwards when one stands with both feet flat on the floor.
Not all of the reflex areas on this surface are illustrated in this diagram because some of these reflexes overlap and too many labels on one diagram can make it difficult to read easily. See "Reflexology Areas - Plantar Surfaces (2)" for more reflex areas of glands, organs, and other parts of the body located on the plantar sufaces of the feet.
Above: Reflexology Foot Map
(Plantar Surface, Diagram 1 of 2)
The diagram above includes the following parts of the body:
On each side of the body: |
On each side of the body: |