Otorhinolaryngology is the medical specialty concerned with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the ear, nose, and throat. These are also known collectively as ENT Disorders or ENT Conditions etc..
Sub-disciplines within otorhinolaryngology include:
- otology / neurotology
- audiology
- head and neck cancer surgery
- pediatric otorhinolaryngology
- facial plastic and reconstructive surgery
- rhinology
- general otorhinolaryngology
- ... and medical otorhinolaryngology, among others.
Associated Terms:
- A medical specialist in the field of otorhinolaryngology is called an otorhinolaryngologist, or sometimes more simply an ear nose and throat specialist, or just an ENT specialist.
- The adjective otorhinolaryngological is rarely used. Shorter, simpler, and often more specific words tend to be used instead.
Links to related areas of this website:
- About Thermo-Auricular Therapy
- Ingredients in Hopi Ear Candles
- Glossary section: Medical Specialties
- Glossary section: General Medical Terms