Alcohol in the News

The articles listed below include news about or mention of alcohol. This is page 2 of 4.

Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu, NZ update

Medics in New Zealand are reporting an increase in the number of people presenting at surgeries with flu symptoms. Most of these people have not travelled overseas and are likely to be experiencing...

10 Jun '09 | H1N1 Flu | New Zealand

Gov of Canada Reaches Key Milestone with Chemicals Management Plan

The Canadian Health and Environment Ministers have announced the release of the draft screening assessments and risk management scope documents for 18 substances assessed in Batch 6 of the Chemica...

29 May '09 | Chemicals | Canada

Canadian Government Works to Prevent Young People From Taking Illicit Drugs

The Canadian Government is supporting a project under the Drug Strategy Community Initiatives Fund that will strengthen drug prevention and health promotion strategies for youth in Kitchener, Ontar...

17 Apr '09 | Canada

THT and regional partners aim to roll out Play Zone nationally

After a successful pilot in London and Brighton, Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) is working with a range of regional HIV and sexual health organisations to launch Play Zone across England and Wales. P...

14 Apr '09 | UK-wide

Low price alcohol still No 1 problem, say NHS staff

A snapshot survey of doctors and nurses treating patients with alcohol related harm showed that many believe that public health campaigns are not effective and that action on sales of low priced al...

08 Apr '09 | Alcohol | UK

Cheap, delicious and easy way to prevent breast cancer

Eating mushrooms and drinking green tea could help to protect against breast cancer according to a study conducted by the University of Western Australia and Zhejiang University in China. In China,...

19 Mar '09 | Breast Cancer | China

Angels are beings of light, love, and joy.

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