Cancer in the News

The articles featured below include news about, or mention of, cancer, including cancer research, generally. There is information about cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, survival rates and research into many aspects of cancer and its prevention and treatment.

Oncology is the medical specialty concerned with the study and practice of treating tumours including cancers. See also oncology books and books about cancer.

Kale is in season in February

Eating fresh foods in season is a wholesome aspiration that can seem easier to achieve during the summer and autumn months. When fruit trees are bare and frost threatens tender plants, kale is an o...

07 Feb '20 | Fresh Food (Nutrition)

By 2043 obesity might exceed smoking as the largest preventable cause of cancer in women

Cancer Research UK has launched a UK-wide campaign to increase awareness that obesity is a cause of cancer. According to one report, 25 years from now being overweight or obese might lead to more c...

25 Sep '18 | Obesity | UK

Low vs high nicotine e-cigarettes

Recent research funded by Cancer Research UK indicates that former cigarette smokers who want to use e-cigarettes might be better off beginning with higher, rather than lower, nicotine levels in or...

09 Jun '18 | E-cigarettes | UK

Olfactory receptor OR51E2 and prostate cancer

A biotech news website has speculated about the possible future use of aromatherapy to treat prostate cancer. Although the article itself actually describes the behaviour of olfactory receptor OR51...

08 Jun '18 | Prostate Cancer | USA

Artificial outdoor lighting and breast cancer

Women living in areas with higher levels of outdoor light at night might be at higher risk of breast cancer than those living in other locations with lower levels of artificial night lighting, such...

18 Aug '17 | Breast Cancer | USA

Brits walk less than one mile per day

According to recent research made available by Cancer Research UK's 'Walk All Over Cancer' campaign, on a typical weekday more than half (52%) of UK adults walk a mile or less while 17% walk less t...

25 May '17 | Healthy Exercise | UK

Health uses of the drumstick tree (India)

The drumstick tree thrives in India and also grows in the Philippines, Indonesia and Taiwan, among other places. The many and various uses of the bark, sap, roots, leaves, seeds and flowers of the ...

02 May '16 | Moringa oleifera | India

Report that 50% of cancer patients survive at least 10 years

50% (Half) of cancer patients diagnosed in England and Wales now survive for at least 10 years according to a recent statistical study by Cancer Research UK.

29 Apr '14 | Cancer | UK

New approach to treat ovarian cancer

Laboratory studies of ovarian tumour tissue indicate that reducing HS6STs leads to a reduction in tumour growth. This cancer research study may eventually lead to new and more effective treatments ...

Discovery expected to help medics treat ALK lung cancers

Scientists have discovered the structure of an abnormal protein called the EML 1 protein, which plays a key role in ALK lung cancers, particularly aggressive forms of lung cancer. Researchers are n...

24 Mar '14 | Lung Cancer | Leicester, UK

Canada to increase labelling requirements for tanning beds

The Canadian federal government has finalized new regulations that require stronger health warning labels to be displayed on sunbed (also called tanning beds) and related equipment. The labels warn...

26 Feb '14 | Sunbeds | Canada

Global cancer death count 50% higher in men than women

Of approx. 8 million cancer deaths globally per year, more than 4.6 million men die from cancer each year, while approx. 3.5 million women die from cancer each year. Therefore global cancer death r...

14 Feb '14 | Cancer News

Study finds regular aspirin use may reduce ovarian cancer risk

A recent study suggests that women who take aspirin daily may reduce their risk of ovarian cancer by 20%. Further research is needed before clinical recommendations can be made.

06 Feb '14 | Ovarian Cancer | USA

Trial of new treatment for neuroblastoma

Medical researchers have begun a new trial of a type of molecular radiotherapy to treat neuroblastoma, which is considered one of the deadliest childhood cancers. Although used effectively in adult...

30 Jan '14 | Cancer News | London

Double genomes associated with poor cancer survival

Unintentional DNA doubling in bowel cancer cells could predict which patients might have lower chances of survival and help to plan their treatment. Researchers have seen that genome doubling in ce...

22 Jan '14 | Cancer News

Exposure to sunlight reported to lower blood pressure

Recent research suggests that exposure of skin to sunlight can help to reduce blood pressure - thereby protecting against certain medical conditions linked to high blood pressure (hypertension)

20 Jan '14 | UK

Look from the earth's solstice to the new seasons to come. Angels are with you always.

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IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.