Pine Essential Oil
Pine Essential Oil is one of many essential
oils used in aromatherapy.
Essential oils are generally used in very small quantities, e.g. measured as a
small number of drops of the essential oil in a larger quantity of
an appropriate carrier
Properties*: |
Method of Extraction: | Dry distillation of pine needles. |
Main Constituents: |
Source locations: | Native to Europe and parts of Asia. Cultivated in many locations incl. USA, Europe - especially the Nordic Countries and Baltic States. |
Non-Aromatherapy Uses: |
See also the general page about carrier oils for massage and bodywork therapies and information about massage and aromatherapy.
More about Aromatherapy:
- What is Aromatherapy ?
- History of Aromatherapy
- Massage Therapy and an overview of Massage Techniques
- Carrier oils vs. Essential Oils (article)
- Individual pages about carrier oils and essential oils
For more information see also books about aromatherapy.