Lifting is a massage technique in the category ofof petrissage movements. It is also known by other terms such as "Picking Up".
In general, petrissage movements involve compressing soft tissues (such as skin and muscle tissue) against each other and/or against the underlying bone or bones.
Lifting is a technique by which tissues are compressed against their underlying structure/s, then lifted, squeezed, and released. This series of manipulations is best performed in a controlled rhythmic way that is not too rapid. Lifting is usually a single-handed action in which the thumb is one component and the medial two or three fingers the other component of the grasp on the tissues being treated. The cleft between the thumb and index finger of the therapist's hand remains in contact with the client's skin to maintain the depth of the effect and to prevent "pinching".
Petrissage movements such as lifting should not be applied in certain circumstances such as:
- to any inflamed areas (incl. abdominal inflammations such as appendicitis)
- in cases of hernia
- during pregnancy, or
- intensively over recent muscle strains or scars.
Note: If in doubt about the safety of a massage movement don't perform it - seek advice from a tutor or other appropriately qualified person.
This section consists of short summaries about the classical massage movements. This list of massage techniques is not exhaustive. For more general information about massage see also:
This page is in the section about massage manipulation techniques.
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