Books about Belfast, Northern Ireland
Some interesting books (#Aff) about Belfast are featured below .
About the city of Belfast
Belfast, capital of Northern Ireland was granted city status by Queen Victoria in 1888.
It is one of the most visited cities in the UK and on the island of Ireland. In recent years there has been much investment in infrastructure including tourist facilities and attractions such as Titanic Belfast.
Located at the western end of Belfast Lough and at the mouth of the River Lagan, Belfast was ideally situated for the shipbuilding industry and for some time in the early C20th home was to the largest shipyard in the world.
Thanks to its temperate climate and the warming influence of the Gulf Stream, Belfast benefits from milder temperatures than some other places at a similar latitudes.
Belfast has successful teams participating in many popular sports including football, rugby, cricket, ice-hockey, Gaelic football and other Gaelic games. Other sporting activities include Pro Wrestling Ulster and the Belfast Marathon (annually on May Day).
Also news from, about or mentioning Belfast, N Ireland.
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