Date Published: 26 July 2006

Mental Health Foundation urges UK government to use welfare reform opportunity

Mental Health issues - UK

Following the second reading of the Welfare Reform Bill, the Mental Health Foundation has urged the UK government to give careful and serious consideration to key issues that still require attention.

Dr. Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation said:

" While we welcome this opportunity for reform, we are concerned about the continued focus on compulsion and sanctions. If one million people are ready and willing to work, this manner of coercion is unnecessary and will serve only to increase stress and anxiety amongst a group of people who struggle with mental health problems on a regular basis. Financial worry is known to exacerbate mental distress."

_ Discrimination against people with mental health problems is still a huge issue within the employment market. Employer discrimination needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency if government plans to move significant numbers of people from benefit to employment are to have any success. Employers need support and training around mental health awareness and retention of staff who develop mental health problems. Investment is also needed into flexible and creative supported employment schemes which match people's skills and abilities and will be sustainable in the long term".

_ Plans to review the Personal Capability Assessment are very welcomed. It is crucial that the new assessment process should follow a comprehensive and rigorous trial phase and take into account the fluctuating and sometimes hidden nature of mental health problems. All forms of assessment, whether the PCA or reviews undertaken by Personal Advisors, should be carried out by fully qualified and trained staff. We are concerned about the lack of training of Personal Advisors who will have the power to decide an individual's entitlement to benefit often based on very little understanding of mental health problems. This will be particularly problematic under the new contracting out arrangements. Assessment for benefit entitlement should be consistent and fair to all claimants."

Source(s): Mental Health Foundation, UK

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