News incl. lifesciences, animals, wildlife & nature

from or mentioning the United Kingdom

The articles listed below include news from, about or mentioning the United Kingdom (UK). This is page 2 of 64.

New warm-up regime expected to reduce rugby injuries

A simple, yet effective, new rugby injury prevention exercise programme has been found to have a significant impact on reducing the incidence of both concussion and lower limb injuries. The routine...

23 Oct '17 | Sports | England

New guidelines to improve diagnosis and treatment of lupus

A new guideline for management of systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) has been made available by the British Society of Rheumatology. It includes information about the diagnosis, assessment, monit...

06 Oct '17 | Lupus | Birmingham, UK

HIV diagnoses falling, but still cause for concern (UK)

Statistics published by Public Health England (PHE) reveal an 18% decrease in HIV diagnoses in the UK in 2016. HIV diagnoses in gay and bisexual men dropped by 21%, the greatest areas of decline be...

03 Oct '17 | HIV | UK

Research confirms that good moods are contagious. Depression isn't.

Are states of mind, or 'moods', socially contagious? Expressed another way, might happy friends cheer us up and dissatisfied friends reduce our own feelings about our life and situation? What about...

Short simple mindfulness training could help drinkers reduce alcohol intake

A recent study has found that after an 11-minute training session and encouragement to continue practising mindfulness, heavy drinkers drank less over the next week than people who were taught rela...

24 Aug '17 | Mindfulness

First Aid knowledge could help to reduce pressure on UK Accident and Emergency Departments

Recent research has found that more than one third of people who went to accident and emergency hospital departments did so to seek help because they were worried and didn't know what to do (Englan...

24 Aug '17 | Emergency Medicine | England, UK

Benefits of interval training for vascular health of older women

Research suggests that short bouts of interval exercise might be particularly beneficial for post-menopausal women. This group was studied because the risk of cardiovascular disease is thought to i...

07 Aug '17 | Interval Exercise | Leeds, England

Brits walk less than one mile per day

According to recent research made available by Cancer Research UK's 'Walk All Over Cancer' campaign, on a typical weekday more than half (52%) of UK adults walk a mile or less while 17% walk less t...

25 May '17 | Healthy Exercise | UK

Report says 65% Britons surveyed report experience of mental health challenges

A recent Mental Health Foundation (MHF) report on mental health in the UK indicates the large scale of the mental and emotional challenges faced by the population. Younger people seem to be affecte...

08 May '17 | Mental Health | UK

Fracking threat to most important wildlife locations in Britain, University study

Research by Reading University in partnership with several environmental and wildlife conservation groups indicates that many locations at which shale gas extraction might take place are home to s...

15 Oct '16 | Environment | UK

Harnessing the healing properties of honey to help combat antimicrobial resistance

The researchers in Southampton, England, are studying the properties of Surgihoney, an engineered, medical honey that has a potent antimicrobial agent with antibiofilm activity. It is hoped that th...

29 Apr '16 | Honey | Southampton, UK

Public health nursing in the UK

Nursing services are a vital part of the suite of professional skills used to provide and support public health initiatives in the UK. Although the importance of public health nursing is widely rec...

03 Mar '16 | Public Health Nursing | UK

Horses respond to human facial expressions

Horses respond to human facial expressions according to recent research in psychology (Sussex Univ, UK). Although showing photographs to horses while monitoring the horse's heart rate might be a re...

11 Feb '16 | Animal News | England

Recent assessment of British wildlife causes concern

Decline in native British biodiversity since the 1970s has left some species groups particularly threatened. This recent study included 4,424 individual species and much data from 100s volunteer ob...

10 Dec '15 | Animals & Wildlife | UK

New ultrasonic device to improve medical instrument hygiene

Starstream, a new ultrasonic device, has been found to improve the cleaning of medical instruments and so reduce contamination and risk of infection. It works by increasing the efficiency with whic...

16 Sep '15 | Technology | England

Vet charity warning about pet obesity

Pet obesity is a major animal health issue. Almost half of adults surveyed recently were not aware of the risks to and adverse effects on their pets health posed by obesity, which can include the r...

25 Mar '15 | Pet Health | UK

Angels are beings of light, love, and joy.

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