News incl. lifesciences, animals, wildlife & nature

from or mentioning Scotland (UK)

The articles listed below include news from, about or mentioning Scotland.

See also recent news, articles concerning specific locations, news by subject (topic) and items by month and year

Handwashing campaign targets a billion people worldwide

Unilever and the UK government are funding an information campaign to raise awareness of the benefits of washing hands with soap regularly and disinfecting surfaces. This will include TV, radio, pr...

28 Mar '20 | Handwashing | International

Hand sanitiser plant to be built in 10 days to make 1 million bottles / month

The reported shortage of hand sanitiser supplies across Europe will be alleviated by the building within 10 days of a hand sanitiser plant near Middlesbrough (N.Yorks, UK) capable of producing 1 m...

25 Mar '20 | Supply | Middlesborough, England

Improving the relationship between use of social media and body image

New report promotes more positive use of social media in response to the known issue of use of social media adversely affecting body image. This report is the result of a conference held at Strathc...

09 Jan '20 | Mental Health | Scotland

Packaged food healthiest in the UK, USA, Australia and Canada

Packaged food sold in UK rated healthiest in a study undertaken by authors from 6 countries who compared the healthiness of packaged foods and beverages from 12 countries using data collected durin...

22 Aug '19 | Nutrition | International

By 2043 obesity might exceed smoking as the largest preventable cause of cancer in women

Cancer Research UK has launched a UK-wide campaign to increase awareness that obesity is a cause of cancer. According to one report, 25 years from now being overweight or obese might lead to more c...

25 Sep '18 | Obesity | UK

HIV diagnoses falling, but still cause for concern (UK)

Statistics published by Public Health England (PHE) reveal an 18% decrease in HIV diagnoses in the UK in 2016. HIV diagnoses in gay and bisexual men dropped by 21%, the greatest areas of decline be...

03 Oct '17 | HIV | UK

Brits walk less than one mile per day

According to recent research made available by Cancer Research UK's 'Walk All Over Cancer' campaign, on a typical weekday more than half (52%) of UK adults walk a mile or less while 17% walk less t...

25 May '17 | Healthy Exercise | UK

Report says 65% Britons surveyed report experience of mental health challenges

A recent Mental Health Foundation (MHF) report on mental health in the UK indicates the large scale of the mental and emotional challenges faced by the population. Younger people seem to be affecte...

08 May '17 | Mental Health | UK

Medics plea to UK politicians: No More Games with A&E

The recent BMA plea to politicians uses the slogan: No More Games with A&E. Just weeks ahead of the UK general election on 7 May is perhaps one of the best opportunities to try to extract promises ...

25 Mar '15 | Emergency Medicine | UK

Scientists to develop wearable technology incl. smart trousers

Bionic hands that transmit sensory data to the brain, smart socks that help you pick your feet up, smart trousers that support the wearer and assist with standing or even climbing stairs ... UK sci...

23 Feb '15 | Wearable Tech | Leeds

Many UK general medical practitioners are considering early retirement as workloads increase

Latest quarterly survey indicates dissatisfaction among UK GPs, many of whom are considering early retirement or other options - including leaving the medical profession altogether.

24 Mar '14 | Medical Profession | UK

Exposure to sunlight reported to lower blood pressure

Recent research suggests that exposure of skin to sunlight can help to reduce blood pressure - thereby protecting against certain medical conditions linked to high blood pressure (hypertension)

20 Jan '14 | UK

Outgoing people tend to be happier later in life

Young adults who are more outgoing or more emotionally stable, tend to be happier in later life - research result from Southampton University, England. Extroversion in youth has direct positive eff...

17 Jul '13 | Happiness | Southampton

Disarming disease-causing bacteria via the translocation and assembly module

Recent research has shown that a protein complex called the Translocation and Assembly Module (TAM), forms a type of molecular pump in bacteria. This TAM allows bacteria to shuttle key disease-caus...

04 Apr '12

Orbital prefrontal cortex size linked to number of friends

A recent study indicates that the orbital prefrontal cortex region of the brain is bigger in people who have a larger number of friendships. The study also suggests that we need to employ a set of ...

02 Feb '12

UK pet dog survey indicates higher than expected Lyme disease risk

Survey of pet dogs in England indicates higher than expected risk of Lyme disease. Ticks infected with the bacteria that cause Lyme disease may be considerably more prevalent in the UK than expecte...

25 Jan '12 | Lyme disease | England

Look from the earth's solstice to the new seasons to come. Angels are with you always.

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IvyRose Holistic 2003-2024.