Date Published: 7 October 2008

Healthcare watchdog to give a voice to NHS staff

The Healthcare Commission is encouraging NHS employees to provide feedback on their experiences at work by participating in the annual NHS Staff Survey.

In the sixth annual survey, more than 250,000 NHS staff will be asked their views.
The Healthcare Commission, the Department of Health and NHS Trusts use the information gathered in the survey to inform local and national changes in working conditions and ultimately, improve the quality of care for patients.

The survey this year incorporates new questions to reflect research commissioned by the Department of Health into the things that matter to NHS staff. Most questions remain the same to allow trusts to track progress over time.

However, new questions have been added to gain more information about things staff say matter most to them, such as whether they feel they are supported to do a good job and whether they have the opportunity to improve the way they work.

Nancy Wolstenholme, Head of Accessible Information at the Healthcare Commission, said:

The annual staff survey is a vital tool in our efforts to improve the NHS for both patients and staff. Staff attitudes, experiences and working environment naturally affect organisational outcomes – and in the NHS this includes the quality of care patients receive.

Results from the survey are used by trusts to deliver local improvements in working conditions and practices. I hope that NHS staff will seize this opportunity to shape their own future.

The Commission encourages staff in all sectors and roles in the NHS to take the opportunity to give their views. It will report on the findings of the survey, including national trends, early next year. The Commission will also use the survey data to assess trusts in the annual health check, which gives ratings to every NHS trust in England.


Source: The Healthcare Commission (England, UK).

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