Date Published: 11 March 2012

Frogs spawning is a sign of spring

3 frogs in spring

Frogs spawning can form quite a spectacle of activity especially as it is accompanied by the sounds of calling frogs, gently splashing water, and all the surrounding sounds of nature. This may well be an uplifting indication that spring is well on the way.

3 frogs in spring

The following video clip was recorded in mid-March 2012 just at the side of a path in gardens open to the public. Several people paused to watch and listen. Some passers-by took photographs or short video recordings, in many cases using mobile phones.

There was considerable activity among the frogs present. Several frogs arrived and left the scene in the few minutes we paused to watch, record and photograph the frogs and frog spawn in this small area. There isn't much more to add. The sounds and activities of the frogs really do "say" it all!

These images of frogs mating in England in spring 2012 are among the many recent indications of spring.

[from "Frogs Spawning in Spring" to more holistic articles ...]
Source: IvyRose Holistic Article.

Although early Protestants did not accept the Angel hierarchy of Catholicism, they did not dispute the importance of biblical Angels.

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