King of Wands Tarot Card
The Tarot Suit of Wands

The Tarot Suit of Wands is associated with the suit of Clubs in standard playing cards. The tarot suit of wands is also known by other names, such as staffs or as staves in some decks.
There are meanings associated with each of the suits in a tarot deck, as well as the more specific interpretations associated with each individual card - and yet more precise meanings pertaining to particular cards in particular locations within spreads. The suit of wands is associated with the element of fire (as in the fire signs of the zodiac). It is also associated with the season of summer, i.e. of the sun, which is a 'fire', and with the direction South.
The suit of wands may be thought of as concerning personal growth and the expression of our 'inner fire', through work, intellect, or creativity.
The 'Kings' in the tarot deck are also known by other names which vary between decks. For example, the The World Spirit Tarot includes 'Sages' and the Shapeshifter's Tarot includes 'Gods' in place of the 'Kings' in the Rider-Waite and Robin Wood tarot decks.
All court cards may be interpreted as referring to a person with the card
providing some indications to help to identify the individual. Alternatively
they may be interpreted symbolically, in which case Kings may
be understood to represent motivation, or a beginning, the start of something.
The element of the Kings is 'Fire'. Each of the four Kings in the tarot deck are subtly different reflections of the Emperor (card No.4 in the Major Arcana).
In general, Kings appear in a spread they indicate the presence or need for, planners, motivators, commanders and / or creators. That is, the Kings highlight the significance of people capable of making things happen.
The King of Wands expresses the theme of 'mastery of one's inner-self' including both creativity and discipline.
When the King of Wands appears to identify a person the characteristics it conveys include:
- a mature man
- a man who has or used to have blond or red hair,
- blue or hazel eyes
- a man born under the astrological sign of Leo.
Note that this is not always the purpose of the appearance of a court card in a spread and that not all of the above characteristics need apply. The readers intuition will guide him or her to mention only any that are relevant.
Keywords and phrases for possible interpretations of the King of Wands Tarot Card include:
- Conscientious
- Handsome man
- Intolerant of weakness
- Noblility
- Passionate man
- Strong-willed man
What about the King of Wands Reversed ?
Some interpretations of the meaning of the King of Wands reversed include:
- Risk of being overpowered
- Devious self-publicist, an opinionated man who may seek to control others
- Warning against intransigence, intolerance and insensitivity to the feelings of other people
The Tarot Suit of Wands
The Tarot Suit of Wands is associated with the suit of Clubs in standard playing cards. The tarot suit of wands is also known by other names, such as staffs or as staves in some decks.
There are meanings associated with each of the suits in a tarot deck, as well as the more specific interpretations associated with each individual card - and yet more precise meanings pertaining to particular cards in particular locations within spreads. The suit of wands is associated with the element of fire (as in the fire signs of the zodiac). It is also associated with the season of summer - i.e. of the sun, which is a "fire", and with the direction "South".
The suit of wands may be thought of as concerning personal growth and the expression of our "inner fire", through our work, intellect, or creativity.