Tarot suit of Swords

The Tarot Suit of Swords

The Tarot Suit of Swords is associated with the suit of Spades in standard playing cards - both have sharp edges.

The tarot suit of swords is also known by other names, including daggers, blades and as knives. The names of suits vary between decks.

There are meanings associated with each of the suits in a tarot deck, as well as the more specific interpretations associated with each individual card and orientation ('upright' or 'reversed' of each card) and yet more precise meanings pertaining to particular cards in particular locations within spreads.

The suit of swords is associated with:

The suit of swords may be thought of as concerning academic or philosophical thought, intellectual pursuits, truth, and clarity. This can be thought of as 'cutting through' confusion or deliberate attempts to cloak or complicate matters to get to the truth about a situation. As that can be an intellectual process it is easy to remember that Tarot swords concerns thought, intellect and mental processes or efforts.

Tarot Articles:

Tarot Card Games - for, against and examples

Learning to Read Tarot Cards

20 Steps to reading Tarot Cards

Why use Free Printable Tarot Cards?

List of Tarot Card Meanings

Origins of the Tarot Nouveau - or 'French Tarot'

Learning Tarot

Uses of Tarot Cards

Thank your Guardian Angel whenever you feel its loving protective presence.

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IvyRose Holistic 2003-2025.