20 - Judgement Tarot Card
The Judgement card is tarot card number 20, although it is the 21st card of the Major Arcana because the 1st of the 22 Major Arcana cards is number 0 (The Fool).
The Judgement tarot card is one of several cards in the tarot deck that has different names in some older and / or less conventional tarot decks.
For example, it may be called
- Judgement Day,
- The Day of Judgement,
- The Last Judgement
or - The Angel in some tarot decks.
Whatever the name printed on the card, the description here applies to card number 20 of the Major Arcana of a standard tarot deck.
The overall theme of this card concerns the removal of previous restrictions (self-imposed or otherwise), and awakening to new opportunities or avenues for progression.
The presence of the Judgement tarot card in a spread may indicate new or renewed energy for the sitter, situation, or the project in question. Alternatively, it may be interpreted more literally in terms of criticism, judgement, or a fair evaluation of a situation being an important aspect of the issues illuminated by in the spread
Some words and phrases terms associated with the Judgement tarot card include:
- Change of situation or circumstances
- Reward
- Atonement
- Fine or other penalty
- Recompense such as payment of compensation for a loss
More about the Major Arcana
Click here for more Major Arcana cards