Eight of Cups Tarot Card
The Tarot Suit of Cups

The Tarot Suit of Cups is associated with the suit of Hearts in standard playing cards.
The cups depicted on tarot cards are usually, but not necessarily, in the style of ceremonial cups, chalices, or goblets. There are meanings associated with each of the suits in a tarot deck, as well as the more specific interpretations associated with each individual card and the yet more precise meanings of particular cards in particular locations within spreads.
The suit of cups is associated with the element of water (as in water signs of the zodiac). It is also associated with the season of autumn, also known as 'fall' in U.S. English, and with the direction West.
Cups concern emotions, love, romance, the wide range of emotions, mastery of emotions and feelings, and 'gut reactions' that call upon our intuitive as opposed to intellectual abilities and development.
The 'Eights' in the tarot deck are often associated with strength. ('Strength' is Card No.8 in the Major Arcana). Some situations require courage and the cards numbered 8 in the Minor Arcana concern taking the action necessary even when to do so may be difficult.
In the case of the 8 of Cups the issue is emotional strength. Sometimes strength involves knowing when to stop and move on to something else.
The 8 of Cups tarot card can indicate that the issue or subject of the reading concerns decisions about whether it is best to remain in a situation such as a job or relationship, or if it is time to move on to new opportunities and challenges elsewhere.
Keywords and phrases for some of the possible interpretations of the 8 of Cups Tarot Card include:
- Personal boundaries
- Personal limitations
- Re-direction towards more spiritual lifestyle
- Rejection of material choices in life
- Searching
- Timely retreat.
What about the Eight of Cups Reversed ?
Some interpretations of the meaning of the 8 of Cups reversed include:
- Indecision, perhaps even hopelessness
- Surrendering a dream e.g. giving-up a cherished project
- Reconsider leaving a situation e.g. job or relationship, as more time may be needed. Are other plans in place?
The Tarot Suit of Cups
The Tarot Suit of Cups is associated with the suit of Hearts in standard playing cards.
The "Cups" depicted on tarot cards are usually in the style of goblets, ceremonial, or communion cups (as above). There are meanings associated with each of the suits in a tarot deck, as well as the more specific interpretations associated with each individual card - and yet more precise meanings pertaining to particular cards in particular locations within spreads.
The suit of cups is associated with the element of water (as in water signs of the zodiac). It is also associated with the season of autumn (or "fall" in U.S. English) and with the direction "West".
Cups concern emotions, love, romance, range of emotions, mastery of emotions and feelings, and "gut reactions" that call upon our intuitive as opposed to intellectual development.