Human Skeleton

Human Skeleton and how to label all the bones on a simple version of the human skeleton is included in first-level courses in human biology, human anatomy and physiology and often in school biology lessons. The human skeleton can be studied at different levels of detail. For a general overview start by reviewing the following (anterior view) diagram of a human skeleton:

Bones of the Head and Neck Cranial Bones Bones of the Head and Neck Cranial Bones Bones of the Head and Neck Facial Bones Bones of the feet and lower leg Bones of the Head and Neck Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Bones of the Head and Neck Bones of the feet and lower leg Bones of the Head and Neck Markings and Features on Bones Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Clavicle Bones of the feet and lower leg Markings and Features on Bones Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Scapula Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Scapula Sternum Humerus (upper arm bone) Humerus (upper arm bone) Ilium (pelvic girdle bone) Bones of the feet and lower leg Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Ulna (lower arm bone) Pubis (pelvic girdle bone) Radius (lower arm bone) Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Radius (lower arm bone) Ischium (pelvic girdle bone) Carpal Bones Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Metacarpal Bones Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Phalanges Femur (upper leg bone) Femur (upper leg bone) Bones of the feet and lower leg Markings and Features on Bones Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Patella (knee bone) Patella (knee bone) Tibia (lower leg bone) Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Tibia (lower leg bone) Bones of the feet and lower leg Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Bones of the feet and lower leg Bones of the feet and lower leg Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Bones of the feet and lower leg Markings and Features on Bones Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Fibula (lower leg bone) Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Bones of the feet and lower leg Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Bones of the feet and lower leg Markings and Features on Bones Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Tarsal Bones Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Metatarsal Bones Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Phalanges Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use. Bones of the feet and lower leg Copyright IvyRose Ltd., 2011 - Not for Re-Use.

More detailed models have been used to illustrate the individual parts of the skeleton and specific human bones.

See also how many bones in the human body ? Information about the structure and functions of bones, types of bones, cranial and facial bones, bones of the feet and hands, bone markings and skeletal disorders

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